Doug Weaver is a legend in the world of sales strategy and digital sales leadership. He is also the Founder & CEO of Upstream Group, Inc. and uses his expertise to help others break the mold of traditional sales conversations and get the best results for both themselves and their potential clients. He joins the show to share some of the best practices in digital sales and survival skills during the pandemic. Doug also talks about what strategies work best to keep large virtual meetings interesting and engaging.
- Even though we are temporarily virtual, we can still make connections and help others feel seen and understood. During calls of upwards of 75–80 people, Doug personalizes it by calling people out by name and asking for their opinions while making a presentation.
- People can feel it immediately when you are just going through the motions and not invested in truly helping them. We can show empathy by doing our homework before, and knowing the business of our potential clients.
- While companies ease back into the new office structure, it is important to stay educated and hungry for information that keeps you essential to your industry and job.
- To stay on the edge of your game, you have to know more about your client than your competitor does and be open to knowledge that expands your skillset and helps others.
- We should think less about getting the business of our clients and more about if we actually deserve it.
- Our sales conversations can be a chance to help potential clients overcome a shortcoming in their business, and show that we truly deserve their loyalty.
- Keep learning and challenging yourself every day.
- “Authenticity is the new professionalism.”
- “You have to run this not as an entertainer, but as a party host.”
- “We’ve got to understand the client’s business.”
- “Everyone focuses on getting the business, we don’t focus enough on deserving it.”
- Mentioned in This Episode:
- Upstream
- Doug Weaver
- @upstreamdw
- Gary Elliott